Sunday, May 07, 2006

my jetlag has been sometimes since i last traveled to the States
totally forgot about the jetlag experience...
now it hits me again...

it is actually 5am, i'm sitting fully awake in my hotel...but it is 6pm back home...

1st the transit at LA was a gruelling 8 hrs wait...we arrived at 4:30pm and the next flight is only going out at 00:15...

by the time we reach our final destination, it was only 5am...
at the hotel, it was only 7am. we checked in and washup but make it a point not to sleep...

by 3pm local...we were really tired...but pushing on...

6pm local time is a really challenge as we have not gone to bed for 48 hrs...

i managed to last until 11pm local time when i knocked out...i thot i will be able to sleep for a whole stretch...but trust Jeff...he said i shd be thankful is i don't wake up at 2am...

now...i woke up at 1am, 3am, is the biological clock in the body...look like i better go back to bed and laze around instead of writing some stupid get over my jetlag...

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