Monday, May 15, 2006

adjusting back to +8 timezone

as usual
adjusting back to home timezone is much easier than away...
no wonder in soccer, it is always advantages to be on home ground as compared to away :)

anyway, like the previous times...i didn't have any problem getting back to local timezone...
didn't even feel the jetlag at all...
maybe coz i can zzz like a pig anytime of the day :)
thank goodness i have such a wonderful skill...

actually i was pretty worried on the plane back...
the flight from LAX is at 11:15pm (-6 timezone where I spend the last 10 days) where LAX is -8 timezone. when we are on board, dinner was still serve, and that is like 12midnight my tummy time...of course i can't stomach anything...the gentleman beside me still ask why am i not eating...i got to explain WHY...anyway...i went to zzz almost immediately...and the next time i woke up...i think it was abt 6 hrs eyes are now wide open and i can't go to bed...i tried listening to some boring audio story...and that put me to slumber for a while...generally i think i was a bit hungry too as my last meal was at 1pm (which is 17 hrs ago) from then on...i can't zzz...& i thot this time i'm sure gg to suffer from jetlag when i reach home...surprisingly nothing of the sort...hooray...was tired a earlier and zzz earlier...but nothing much affected :0 i hope so...hopefully my project mates think so too...

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