Monday, May 29, 2006


this is how the sprained ankle looked...


this is the inner part of the ankle...see the blood beneath the skin

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The day i sprained my ankle

i hv this serious brain can't coordinate with my actions...sometimes
what happened is that my brain will think ahead of my action...and i get into accidents bcoz of that...
there was this time back in Nov when i unlocked my car, open the door and before i got in, i closed the door on myself and hurt my forehead...quite badly...

Today...i sprained my left feet ... early in the morning... i wasn't wearing my specs...but wasn't totally blind...was rushing down the stair to pick up some hangers from the laundry area...i was 2 steps away from the base and my brain was thinking which slipper shd i take at the i missed a step on the stair and that's life took a turn... i really have no idea which angle my feet was at...but it was at a funny angle ...the pain was excruciating, i dun even have the voice to cry out... but tears were rolling down my cheeks...
finally when i managed to put my feet back to normal position
i was still hoping that it is just a minor injury and maybe only some bruises...although i was walking with a limp
but before noon, my ankle was an elephant feet...the bad news is i got a flight to China tmr as I am scheduled to give a seminar and meet-parents session in China on Sat
i hope i can pull thru this stage...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Purple 紫色

Purple = royal

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Roller-coaster emotions

I felt alone today...with no help in sight...

someone once told me...that jumping is the 'best' suicide method
coz it is hits u before u even know it...
i juz thot it will be "end-all-for-me" if i juz jump from a 50th storey...
why am i entertaining such a thot today again...
guess the person wont be hapi to know this
but i juz felt the sudden urge to end all
it will be like the end of all the pains I have been feeling and the hurts that I have been getting

at the same time...
i keep telling myself that nothing is too much to take
i am strong enough...
i must live for myself and not others...
as long as i'm happy...but i'm not happy...bcos of the selfishness i see in pple surrounding me
why can't pple be more generous, be less self-centered...

i wish too that i can get out of all this madness soon...God...give me strength!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Blue 蓝色

Blue = poignant

the 49 days

The silence of the night
brings back so many memories I hold inside
how i wish u were still in sight
the room will be full of light
will time heal...nobody knew
at this point
only one step at a time

Monday, May 15, 2006

adjusting back to +8 timezone

as usual
adjusting back to home timezone is much easier than away...
no wonder in soccer, it is always advantages to be on home ground as compared to away :)

anyway, like the previous times...i didn't have any problem getting back to local timezone...
didn't even feel the jetlag at all...
maybe coz i can zzz like a pig anytime of the day :)
thank goodness i have such a wonderful skill...

actually i was pretty worried on the plane back...
the flight from LAX is at 11:15pm (-6 timezone where I spend the last 10 days) where LAX is -8 timezone. when we are on board, dinner was still serve, and that is like 12midnight my tummy time...of course i can't stomach anything...the gentleman beside me still ask why am i not eating...i got to explain WHY...anyway...i went to zzz almost immediately...and the next time i woke up...i think it was abt 6 hrs eyes are now wide open and i can't go to bed...i tried listening to some boring audio story...and that put me to slumber for a while...generally i think i was a bit hungry too as my last meal was at 1pm (which is 17 hrs ago) from then on...i can't zzz...& i thot this time i'm sure gg to suffer from jetlag when i reach home...surprisingly nothing of the sort...hooray...was tired a earlier and zzz earlier...but nothing much affected :0 i hope so...hopefully my project mates think so too...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Dallas Morning News


invest in an area that you have long been curious about. Get some of these old questions answered and you'll sleep better at night...

interesting...i wonder which area :0

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

lazing around on a mid week

libra for today :-
You might find yourself just wanting to stick to the couch today, dear Libra. This is fine. Don't even get up if you don't want to. You are probably better off just sticking close to home and enjoying a good video tonight. If people ask you how you are doing, give them an honest answer. Others will be able to see right through you, so don't try to hide your feelings. Express them. Today is a good day to say how you really feel.

once so i got a conference to attend...but i felt so lethargic...dun feel like moving at all...dun feel like getting out of the room...just sitting in front of the window enjoying the scenary from level 17...dun even feel like exploring this lovely city in the lovely weather...i luv the !dea of having the whole day on my my 'handsome' driver is going out of town for a meeting...hope he doesn't ask me what i did today when i see him tomorrow...i really dun feel like giving him an honest answer...yeap...maybe i will tell him i went over to his galleria...

last nite we juz had a cowboy the ranch...with some rodeo...nothing of brokeback mt sort...heehee
it was pretty fun...but as usual...i was still feeling tired...slept on the way there at 6pm in the evening...but at least that helps me lasted until 1:30am to call back home...which is 13 hrs ahead...

a picture to share on last evening...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

my jetlag has been sometimes since i last traveled to the States
totally forgot about the jetlag experience...
now it hits me again...

it is actually 5am, i'm sitting fully awake in my hotel...but it is 6pm back home...

1st the transit at LA was a gruelling 8 hrs wait...we arrived at 4:30pm and the next flight is only going out at 00:15...

by the time we reach our final destination, it was only 5am...
at the hotel, it was only 7am. we checked in and washup but make it a point not to sleep...

by 3pm local...we were really tired...but pushing on...

6pm local time is a really challenge as we have not gone to bed for 48 hrs...

i managed to last until 11pm local time when i knocked out...i thot i will be able to sleep for a whole stretch...but trust Jeff...he said i shd be thankful is i don't wake up at 2am...

now...i woke up at 1am, 3am, is the biological clock in the body...look like i better go back to bed and laze around instead of writing some stupid get over my jetlag...

Thursday, May 04, 2006


i discovered i can think better when i'm not at my desk or facing a computer...
like when i am driving...when i'm in the shower...when i'm in a meeting...when i'm....
as long as i'm not at my desk...
but i got a BIG problem...if i dun hv a pen and paper on hand...
i will definitely forget 99% of the brillant !deas I thot of during those times...
and let me ask u, how to hv a pen and paper when u r showering?
so actually i got a lot of creative !deas, just that they nvr get to see the light...(-,-)

Another day to day beauty

on my way to work
there is this stretch of road...
along bukit timah road
this beautiful stretch of golden orangy leaves...the colors are so smoothing...
outside the chinese high school...
if you are travelling on this is juz on the right side of the road...nex to the canel
this is part of daily beauty...i love to admire this part every morning...especially when the sky is a bit overcast...perfect...make my day


I would say almost everyone has some selfishness in them...
but the key is the degree of selfishness that makes a person to describe...can't think of a good word to use...anyway...will come back on this again...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

discussing Passion again

just 2 days ago in india...i was having this particular chat over lunch with an old friend and my colleague...and we spoke about this topic on passion again...i am a firm believer on passion...and as we were discussing, two more factors were being brought into the discussion.
1) Commitment 2) Dedication...

i remember saying in this blog before that passion may not equate to success...
with these 2 new factors...combined with passion...i think there is a high chance of success...
so take note...add these to whatever you are doing...tell me if you felt good abt it after that...tell me if you are successful when you apply them...

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