Saturday, September 02, 2006

Official guide to yummy food

I have become the unofficial supplier of or guide to yummy food.I am not sure when this started...but when there are visitors from overseas, I'll asked to bring them to seek out the local yummy dishes.Even my colleagues will ask me to bring them.And when i travel, I become the supplier of yummy snacks that can't be found in s'pore.Well...i like to eat...although i'm not adventurous in trying new food, I can kind of figure out what is nice pretty easier...and for a start I'll buy a bit for my coll to try...abd in the end...i get request in buy more and more

Lay's Cool Cucumber flavor...this is an example of the chip that get pple back home crazy...:)
let me know if u can find in S'pore...else i always got to search the supermarkets and airflown one lugguage home ^_^

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