Thursday, June 22, 2006

It's raining

At 11:53pm last started to rain...i'm all ready to zzz...such a nice weather...

it didn't stop until this morning while i was getting ready for what...what a wonderful nite...:)
to zzz while it is raining outside..under the cozy blanket...

my horoscope reading today...
You may feel somewhat stifled and inhibited today, dear Libra. Oddly enough, this feeling will not come from any outside influence; rather, the source of your discomfort comes from inside yourself. You can look for solutions by examining your personal commitment to your work or study. You may then realize that you won't find fulfillment unless you take a few more risks.

what risks? i'm wondering...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Extract of the xray report

ok...this is the partial x-ray report...i am going to see the GP tomorrow to get it read...

"soft tissue swelling noted around the medial malleolus
small marginal osteophytes are noted"

in the mean time...any idea what medial malleolus n osteophytes mean??? [scratch head]

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

28 days of sprained ankle

today marks the 4 weeks of sprained ankle...
after visiting my GP last evening...the recommendation is for me to go for an xray
bcos the swell is still bad...
therefore to have a piece of mind...i'm going to go this afternoon to get it examine...
hopefully nothing is wrong except i need more rest...(which i also couldn't afford)
life is is tough...must take time off...but i hate loneliness...and can't find anyone with time to go away with me at this point in time...the earliest person that can go with me is in Dec...can i survive until then?

ps: no time to download my time to do my time to...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

pls pray for me

hey u pple outing there reading this...r u praying for come it is no getting any better or maybe worse off...looks even more swollen...picture coming up soon :)

here is the pic

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Healing takes time

Look at this 'pig' feet...usually chinese saying refering to swollen feet...

Visited the TCM this evening again and the doc said the feet is still pretty swollen. 3 weeks after the fall. Torn ligament will take a long time to heal...i need take oral medication to reduce the swelling...i must confess that i'm not a oral medication person...i simply hate it...not juz the swallowing /drinking part...but also following the schedule...the amt etc...i'm juz not the type of person...
but i'm desperate is not healing...i'm diligently taking the medication...
and i also must confess that i only learn to swallow medication at 18...that's not too long ago! ok, i fabricated the last part...heehee

juz wish me a speedy recovery

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

your own God

My cousin sent me this kinda of lifted my spirit a bit. and maybe give me hope that there is gonna be light at the end of my dark tunnel now!

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.

I have been someone i trusted the most...and the feeling is really really really really really (thousand times) lousy...
During moments of weakness, moment of loss...we have no choice but to look towards something beyond...and based on see us through...

but i wish hard that no way...will have to go through what i'm going thru...

do i hope for a miracle...? of course! who couldn't use a miracle?!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

What a feet! trying my luck...barely 2 weeks after my torn ligament...i attempted to wear my slight heel to work today....without my ankle guard......braving the risk to further injure it

the result-> i'm walking with a limp now...the ankle still felt painful when i walk with heel...the word to use is unbalance feeling in the feet...

the outcome -> i'm going home during lunch time to get my ankle guard and change into slipper... ):
...sigh....when will it heal???


today an old friend of mine called from sydney...
she is my childhood frd from school
she migrated to oz last year...and we met up once last Oct when she came back for a visit
and was 7 mths pregnant...
now the baby is 7 mths time flies...
i wish to take some time off to visit her... is always a lift to the heart whenever old frd call or come by

Monday, June 05, 2006

Quote names

I hate it whenever pple cold call and start quoting names...
telling me they know this director, they know met this principal...

some pple even like to drop names...who and who is their neighbor
omg...give me a break...
i felt that tellin' them in the face "so what"
what is your own credit? how can u contribute to this project...
i dun believe in 'giving in' to who-and-who
but the society is so "searching-for-the-right-word-to-use"'s the word "mercenary"
this type of thing still work
really disheartening...


the life of everyone is like a story...or you may want to compare it to a movie...
and you are the lead actor/actress in your story...
others will also become the lead in your story beside their own...
some will be lead temporary...some will stay permanent...
and then there are others who will only be playing supporting roles...and many such pple...
more than the lead...coz' how many leads can a story have? ^_^

so...let's live every chapter beautifully...(telling myself)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

amazing race

what did i do while my ankle is sprained...

1- i went overseas on a biz trip
something i can't get out bcos the trip was scheduled in advance and the sprained ankle came last min before i am due for departure.
2- i brought an assoicate to geylang to eat durian
i promised him during his last trip here and was scheduled too before the sprained ankle...and if i can make the overseas trip...what is a short trip to geylang
**but the ankle became sore again after the trip :(
3- went to the beach
4- i went GSS shopping - someone even bang her stroller on me...goodness
5- i went to wild wild wet...
6- life carries on as one really bothers

Saturday, June 03, 2006

let go and move on

why can't i juz let go and move on
why can't i juz leave...
why must i be here suffering such humiliation
what did i do wrong?
why must punish me?
and why use such harsh punishment...

i dun want any revenge...and i am not waiting to see any retribution...i juz want to move on...
God...pls help me...get on...i want to leave behind this unpleasant part of my life and move on...
pls...i beg you to help me get on...i dun wanna forget...i dun wanna forgive...bcos i know it will be hard...i juz want to get out...

Friday, June 02, 2006


S'pore skyline in the background

coconut trees

Thursday, June 01, 2006

make light of the moment

went to visit a chinese physician to check on my sprained ankle
the situation is like this
1+ torn both ligaments supporting ankle
2+ to be able to walk properly = 3 weeks
3+ to heal = 3 months
4+ wrapped chinese herbs overnite
5+ steam and soak in boiled herbs for 5 consecutive days (each time takes me 3 hrs)
6+ no walk on uneven terrain

situation is improving.
i am even starting to enjoy telling the story on how-i-fall to pple i know...
and make a joke out of it...enjoy seeing them laugh...haha
joke 1
in brief = i missed a step + & fell + ankle got twisted in a funny angle which i no longer can describe + i sat on the ankle + before i start to diet...imagine the weight on that poor tiny ankle...

joke 2
i'm out of action juz like rooney...

joke 3 my own theory
it is God punishment on me...for buying too many pairs of heels...hahaha

from this event i discovered that my ankle is pretty small...heehee...i need an ankle guard of size small...

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