Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Thoughts on GEP

There are 2 schools of thots on the good & bad points of GEP.
Today i would like to discuss one of these thots, that it is better not to be in. Generally pple who speak out loud that not getting into GEP is good, others may said they are sour grapes (吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸). Of course I don't deny there are bound to be detractors. However, if we take the stand of positive view, there are valid points to this thot that not getting into GEP is good.

In reality, there is only 1% chance that a child is gifted. Hence it is 可遇不可求! The gifted trait is natural and not nurture. So considered it lucky if your child belong to 1% of the cohort. Isnt it better than striking toto? So in a school with 30% of the students considered gifted and getting into GEP, arent the 29% all forced? Forcing a child unduly may backfire. There is also the worry that they become anti-social like a lot of stories going round that students from GEP classes are nerd, cant socialize, cant solve real life problems.

Although gifted in in-born, this is not saying nurture is useless. Nurture can improve weakness or strengthen a strength.

Perhaps the term GEP is inappropriate. Since GEP measures the linguistic, mathematical & general knowledge ability. The term to use maybe more appropriate with academic gifted program (AGP).

Alternatively,  we hear a lot of stories about gifted people not sociable. Maybe a way to measure gifted is thru social ability?

we will cover thot 2 in next article....

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