Tuesday, February 20, 2007

something that is worth noting down

i did something that i have been wanting to do and took great courage to take the first step...
on the third day of CNY, i went to donate blood...

the thot first occurred in 2006 when i read in the newspaper that the bloodbank is in shortage of blood...
however, a check on my blood showed that i was below the requirement of haemoglobin level of at least 12.5 g/dl and mine was below it... so the idea was shelved and I was disappointed.

so this 2007, i'm determined to do it since i appeared well to most pple. ..thou i still feel faint sometimes

the bloodbank was quiet...there is less than 10 people around (excluding the staff).
I was nervous but went ahead to fill in the form and do the checklist.
There wasn't much waiting, a brief medical interview was done and I was to check my veins by the nurse as they appeared to 'thin' or 'light'.
The doc is worried they may not be able to draw blood easily...
but that was settled easily (i guess they are really in need of blood and no harm trying)

A quick check of blood at the centre showed that i'm eligible for the donation, at least no fever and haemoglobin level has reached the requirement.

I quickly moved into the donation area, it is a very comfortable area and the nurses are all very friendly.
I expected much pain but surprise surprise, they administered anesthetic to the area and hence i don't feel much pain at all...
initially, the machine made some noise bcos my blood flow was a bit too slow for its liking...haha...
so i was told to squeeze a heart-shape stress ball to help in the pumping....for every 3 secs...hence the drawing of blood became quite steady and was completed in about 10 mins....450ml in all...in one bag

so far, the experience was very satisfying...I felt a great sense of accomplishment and also surprising....peace...

this is the proof

but what happened in the next hour was very very scary...i was over confident and hence over stretch myself...suddenly i felt blackness in front of me...luckily i was in a car and have to quick lie down to get the blood flow back to my brain... i was near the edge of blackout...and it took me an hour to recover...at one stage i was have difficulty breathing...

this encounter was really really very scary...luckily my family was with me...

but it will not stop me from donating in future...
just that i need to note that i must take extra care and not have the same thing happening...
rest immediately is necessary...

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