Wednesday, September 20, 2006


someone asked me...why do I always like to do cantoons to represent my image?
i thought for a while abt this qn...and i think it is bcos
i wanted very much to believe in fairytalein fairytale...
the characters are all so clearly depicted.
i am able to tell a good guy from a bad...there is a happily ever after story
it is so different in reality...
maybe i just want to escape from the cruelty of life...

think about reality...does anyone has this word "i'm bad" written on the way...there are pple who look so sweet on the outside but are so evil inside...pple who can pretend so well...that u don't even know it when u r conned...

there is a saying that the eyes are the windows to a person's is possible to see a person's true self through the eyes...although i don't dispute that but i think it will be too late by then...bcos a lot of close contacts are required to be able to see thru the eyes...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

No more chocolate for me

i am banning chocolate from my life
i used to be able to eat a whole box of chocolate without any side effect
but recently....things are different
I just need to eat a small little bar...and sob sob...i will get sore throat and pimples will be popping out by mad...
can you believed it! at this age...i can still be getting pimples...

now i wonder how long can i last ^_^

Monday, September 18, 2006


in life...we have to learn to appreciate the little things that happened all the time in our daily routine...
never to compare with the jones...bcos as human beings...once again we will only pick the better things others have to compare...and we will always appear so worse off...rem...the grass is always greener on the other side...and also bcos pple will always present the best for others to will not get to see the 'dirty linen'...of course unless there is a strategy to showcase it purposely...

so to me...appreciation comes in (for example)

1) have a smooth ride in the morning to work (read: beating all the traffic lights...haha)
2) hearing a nice song with a lyric that so reflect my current mood
3) when i catch a nice sunset on the way home from work
4) when i chanced upon a nice blooming flower
5) when that special someone initiated a morning *muack* for me... (read: still searching/hoping/waiting)
etc etc etc

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Be it toward work or personal life...i always believe that one shd not working solely for financial purposes

I believe:

1) If you wake up in the morning loathing to go to work...i personally think it is time to relook into your choice of work. It could be the pple at work, not work per se...
2) work as hobby and hobby as work
3) look for that something that u luv to do so much that u'll do it even for free
4) if you work solely for financial purpose, you will not last'll end up like a walking zombie...not knowing how to appreciate the happiness of your life...

see...even writing a short blog entry can be so beautiful ^_^
remember...the word is passion

what trigger this topic about attitude?

I'm suppose to receive 2 couriers from China containing important original document. One arrived and the other did not. However, my counterpart in China checked and the courier company in S'pore insisted that it was delivered to someone somewhere in the office. The gist is that we finally discovered that the parcel is missing-in-action and the courier company has no idea where is it...however...still pushing the blame to the receiving me...this is attitude problem...even when i clearly stated that only one of the parcel was received, they can turn around and tell the china side that i did receive...i'm ashamed of such pple...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why is Coke Zero still so sweet?

Coca-Cola Zero is a new male-oriented diet drink...

Monday, September 04, 2006

I am seeking...

what genuinely moves me...
what do I love to do so much that i'll do it for free...

i hv set my sights in this direction...i think if i ever found will really be a blessing...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Official guide to yummy food

I have become the unofficial supplier of or guide to yummy food.I am not sure when this started...but when there are visitors from overseas, I'll asked to bring them to seek out the local yummy dishes.Even my colleagues will ask me to bring them.And when i travel, I become the supplier of yummy snacks that can't be found in s'pore.Well...i like to eat...although i'm not adventurous in trying new food, I can kind of figure out what is nice pretty easier...and for a start I'll buy a bit for my coll to try...abd in the end...i get request in buy more and more

Lay's Cool Cucumber flavor...this is an example of the chip that get pple back home crazy...:)
let me know if u can find in S'pore...else i always got to search the supermarkets and airflown one lugguage home ^_^

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