Monday, August 28, 2006

Another realisation

i hardly use my office hour to write blog...this must be considered one of the first...bcos i think it is impt enuf to get my attention...but hey i'm using lunch hour to do this...^_^ no penalty...

ystd a frnd makes me realise that i can be quite bossy at times...
now i have decided that i will be mindful of it...
(read: doesn't mean it will not happen again or stop immediately...just that i will be careful...and hopefully in the near more!)

here i'm blogging...keeping a that when i ever forget along my life...
when i occassionally read my own will remind me...that i made a decision to change!

that i need to control this 'big sis' kind of character...aiyo...this really makes me sound so old...

here...i'm not trying to find excuses for my 'bossi-ness'...but nobody knows my past...
but being the elder child...from the background i came from...
the need to be independent from very young...the need to care for the family from a young age
and not the other way round...add to my current character...

but i didnt really realise that until ystd
or rather it fully dawns on me...the world i'm living in...not many pple can accept such a character...especially from a woman...i think i must have offended many pple along the way w/o realising it...

so from now on...i must be constantly minful...and it is not only applies to my includes my colleagues

thanks to my frnd...if you are reading this...u know who u r...

Friday, August 18, 2006

i seek to understand myself better...


Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them.
Want an external life that is congruent with their values.
Curious, quick to see possibilites, can be catalysts for implementing ideas.
Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential.
Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened.

As J & P are very close...i found another part that I need to add:

Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others
Conscientious and committed to their firm values.

a very good description of me...

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I always know i understand my own characteristics quite well...
i know my weaknesses and it is always very draining when i got to do the things opposite to my strengths...
it takes a lot control and keep inline...
anyway...ystd we did the MBTI score and it is a confirmation of my own understanding of myself...

my estimate type is exactly the same as reported type...not harder J@net...^_^

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Celebrate left-hander day

I experience anti-lefty bias in the form of school desks that are unusable, potatoes peelers that are useless, can-opener that I have to do it opposite way (shd hv taken a picture to see how hilarious i looked), power tools (such as welding, drill) that are dangerous or even life-threatening, pens that smear and make my writing illegible, computer mouse that cause hand cramps.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Ok, i'm guilty...of uploading mundane talking abt McDonald...what for?
I got nothing to say? actually i wrote some...but i 'drafted' them...
i didn't dare to publish...very inner feelings/thoughts...
i'm afraid to share...not with strangers who don't know me...but pple (whom i know) may chance upon it...
why am i is something psychological...i need to work on it...and find out the reason one of these days...till then...con't to read my nonsense :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Are there any more countries in this world without McDonald's?

oh yes....Maldives ^_^

it is great news...i can live life w/o good old Mac...i can survive...

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