Thursday, April 05, 2012

Why children do not speak to their parents

1. they do not find it meaningful

2. they do not feel their parents would listen

3. they fear their parents' reaction

4. they do not feel their parents' care

Foolishness vs Childishness

Evolving relationship

1) lead by influence/example

2) Interaction

3) Impartation

Reach the heart of your child

1. Credibility

2. Teach a responsibility

3. Show interest in them

4. Show/tell them they are loved

5. Guard your tongue & your tone

learn ways to support your child emotionally

what makes learning challenging for your child

Applying Strategies for Auditory, Visual and Kinaesthetic learners

My personal observation after putting my boy who is totally a non-auditory learner  through the education here.

In Singapore, education method is mainly in auditory format. In primary school education, the children are usually arranged in a classroom all (40 of them) facing the teacher in rows and columns. Very minimum interaction is allowed between the children. Most of the time, the teacher will do the teaching and the children the listening.
This is the most traditional teaching method.
However, in a population, what is the percentage of children being a auditory learner is unknown. No study was conducted.

Although the modern teachers educated in teaching and education university undergraduate environment, most still do not know how to help kinaesthetic learners. They build in so-called outside-classroom learning time but the method is still very traditional, even on a outing to Chinatown, the children are still handed pieces of paper to complete with wordings.

I am doing more reading on this and will write more soon.

attitude vs belief

attitude governs actions

belief governs behaviors

learn to ask the right questions WHY vs WHAT

Principles of Instruction

1. say what you mean & mean what you say

2. show consideration

3. allow for appeal

other considerations:

- encouragment (put courage into)

- correction

Full time housewife

quit the job and look after the well-being of the kids full-time
i believed a lot of mothers have went thru this thot somewhere along their journey
it is a real option in today double income families?
I know some pple will talk about how much you want in life
the satisfaction, giving up the material things etc etc
i must salute those that quit...

help build up your child self esteem

say positive things to them

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