Sunday, August 30, 2009

which is the most important to you

righteousness, honesty, magnanimous, kindness....

some people will argue that since they are all positive traits, it doesnt matter

my question is, can you be a kind person and at the same time dishonest?
can a magnanimous person be non-righteous?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


there is this rhythm

cut queue bbq let the fire burn on u

to see how gracious is a country
look at how the pple live in their daily life

do pple queue?
or they just do as they like
the survivor of the one with the brutal force

in singapore....although u noticed pple do queue up generally when buying lottery, food...
but it is a different story when it comes to driving...
either they are not prepared in their route
or they simply just like to cut queue

& there are another type...who simply like to speed up when driver's signal to change lane
especially when there is a need to change lane for turning purpose...

it is against basic courtesy idea
i thought when someone signal, it is more polite than someone who juz butt in???
such actions left my scratching my to teach them gracious / kindness action?

are you guilty of such an action?
why don't you try to give way the next time when someone
trust me...the feeling is good when you do that....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

give them room to grow

children need a lot of space to discover & develop their talents
do not stifle their potential by restricting them things that they can do

i personally go for the 'cast a wide net' opinion
yes! time is limited
there is only 24 hours in a day
do let them try as many as things as possible
remember, i did not say EVERY thing
take for example musical instrument....
i know many parents will 'force' ( encourage) their children to take up piano or violin at a young age
but why not expose them to all sort of instruments first....
they may have talent in drums instead :-)
or is it a wishful part of mine...lols

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Day 8

my goodness, this is the 8th day and i can still sense the tiredness in boy

Monday, August 03, 2009

Let's discuss a bit on the academic stuff

for those with school-going children...
it is a tough balance - between childhood fun and academic excellence...
and especially for those working is even more demanding on them to figure out the right mixture...
these mums hardly have time for themselves...
we will discuss about pampering mums another time....
i will also be collating the various tuition centres to post up in the link area...
look out for it....

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Day 5

fever is gone
but the tiredness is still there...
still monitoring

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Fever no more Day 4

A day of no fever
hooray...thou we are still following up on tamiflu
luckily the side effects are gone
either bcoz now we try as much as possible to take it immediately after food
or boy's body is used to it....
thank God

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