Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bananas leaves

the typical leaves

the perfect leaf

the fruits

Thursday, November 05, 2009

african violet


usually once a year....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hot hot hot

is it me or is it really hot these few days...
i'm melting....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

MM Lee Kuan Yew's birthday

Today is the nation MM's 86th birthday....
Happy Birthday our founding father!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lady finger

fairly young...maybe about 1 month

Monday, September 07, 2009

My jackfruit tree

3 months old


this is the value that i always train my boy in his day to day living.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

which is the most important to you

righteousness, honesty, magnanimous, kindness....

some people will argue that since they are all positive traits, it doesnt matter

my question is, can you be a kind person and at the same time dishonest?
can a magnanimous person be non-righteous?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


there is this rhythm

cut queue bbq let the fire burn on u

to see how gracious is a country
look at how the pple live in their daily life

do pple queue?
or they just do as they like
the survivor of the one with the brutal force

in singapore....although u noticed pple do queue up generally when buying lottery, food...
but it is a different story when it comes to driving...
either they are not prepared in their route
or they simply just like to cut queue

& there are another type...who simply like to speed up when driver's signal to change lane
especially when there is a need to change lane for turning purpose...

it is against basic courtesy idea
i thought when someone signal, it is more polite than someone who juz butt in???
such actions left my scratching my to teach them gracious / kindness action?

are you guilty of such an action?
why don't you try to give way the next time when someone
trust me...the feeling is good when you do that....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

give them room to grow

children need a lot of space to discover & develop their talents
do not stifle their potential by restricting them things that they can do

i personally go for the 'cast a wide net' opinion
yes! time is limited
there is only 24 hours in a day
do let them try as many as things as possible
remember, i did not say EVERY thing
take for example musical instrument....
i know many parents will 'force' ( encourage) their children to take up piano or violin at a young age
but why not expose them to all sort of instruments first....
they may have talent in drums instead :-)
or is it a wishful part of mine...lols

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Day 8

my goodness, this is the 8th day and i can still sense the tiredness in boy

Monday, August 03, 2009

Let's discuss a bit on the academic stuff

for those with school-going children...
it is a tough balance - between childhood fun and academic excellence...
and especially for those working is even more demanding on them to figure out the right mixture...
these mums hardly have time for themselves...
we will discuss about pampering mums another time....
i will also be collating the various tuition centres to post up in the link area...
look out for it....

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Day 5

fever is gone
but the tiredness is still there...
still monitoring

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Fever no more Day 4

A day of no fever
hooray...thou we are still following up on tamiflu
luckily the side effects are gone
either bcoz now we try as much as possible to take it immediately after food
or boy's body is used to it....
thank God

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fever Day 3

Thank God
boy went to bed with 38.5 degree and
the fever went down throughout the night
by day time, his fever has come down nicely....
hovering around 37.5
i am so glad...
we continue with tamiflu
and as of now...temp is within 37.0 range
thou he appeared tired and sleepy....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fever Day 2.2

GP warned me about some possible side effects of tamiflu
true enough....
boy felt dizzy and tummyache after the 1st dosage this afternoon
he vomited around 7pm....
hopefully he will be alright after a good nite sleep

Fever Day 2.1

the fever continued to rage upwards in the afternoon
and did not seem to want to retreat
i called up the clinic and spoke to another GP on duty
and after discussion, the GP wanted to take a look at boy
we rushed to the clinic and after observing him for a while (temp was 39.5)
tamiflu was prescribed as a precautionary measure
the GP recommended to take within the 1st 2 days onset of fever
and boy seems a bit listless and confused too

we started first dose of tamiflu at 4:30pm...
it went much smoothly then i thought
i guess boy must be feeling real bad that he is willing to take the medication....
by night time, fever is still hovering around 38.5...
i gave him another dosage of nurofen to take care of fever at 8:45pm
at 10pm, i gave him tamiflu again
he went to bed after that.....

pray for recovery soon....

discipline vs abuse

when to wield the cane?
do not cross the line when emotion is involved....
never lash out at a child in a fit of anger/rage, advised Dr Brian Yeo, a psychiatrist in private practice...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Role Model

like it or not...your child learns from adults around him/her
be a role model to children.....
if you don't want your child to scream at you, make sure you don't do it to your parent/s (in front of them). S/he won't be able to understand why you can do it and they can't.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My living guide

This article appears on Wobao on 21 May 2009
It is discussing habits - good and bad.
Do not let the bad habits pull you down.
There is a chinese saying "学好三年,学坏三天"
Literally- it means it takes a person 3 days to learn all bad habits but 3 years to kick them.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mutliple intelligences

i came across this theory last year when i started to research on my boy's education
now i am reading more into this...
there are many different types

the most common is

1. Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"):

the rest are
Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")
Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")
Musical intelligence ("music smart")
Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")
Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")
Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

Sunday, July 12, 2009

parenting is a

privilege and a encouraged....u r not alone in this....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My living guide

New articles - wobao 22 Apr

Bascially - the title says do not let angry gets to your head

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

questions on upbringing

is there a standard CORRECT way of upbringing?

is instilling fear in children during upbringing detrimental?

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Parenting to me is

be prepared to let your career takes a backseat

Monday, April 06, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

my very first advise

plan for your children
but never let your children know...especially how much you

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"force" yourself to improve a little day by day

how? you must be wondering...
think of it this way?
if we can improve ourselves by 1% every day, in 100 days, we will be able to achieve 100% improvement. 100 days is only slightly more than 3 months.
the 1% can be anything....start with simple easy task....

Why wait...start trying it out now....

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